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Sunday, January 25, 2015

Liebster award

I have been nominated for the Liebster award by Madison from Simply Madison.

The idea of the Liebster Award is to help spread the word about smaller blogs who have less than 200 followers.


1. Link the person who you have nominated
2. Answer the questions given by the nominator
3. Nominate 11 other bloggers who have less than 200 followers
4. Create 11 questions for the nominees to answer
5. Notify all nominees via social media/blogs

1) Why did you start blogging?
I started blogging because I was bored. But my main reason was because I loveeee beauty and fashion. I also admired other bloggers and how they shared their opinions for everything beauty and fashion related on their blogs. I got inspired and immediately know that this is what I want to do and that this is what makes me happy.

2) Make Up and Fashion essentials?
Mascara and eyebrow pencils for makeup and for fashion my zara jeggins and my wrist watch.

3) Comfort or Style? (can relate to anything: fashion, cars, etc.)
That's a hard question. I would honestly choose both but I am going to choose style.

4) Would rather not have sweets but chocolate or not have chocolate but sweets?
Emmm....I guess I would rather not have sweets but chocholate.

5) What is your spirit animal? If you don't know, what is your favourite animal?
I don't know. But my favourite animal is dog-I love pugs.

6) If you were a superhero, what would the colour of your outfit be? (powers is too unoriginal :D )
Deffinitely BLACK&WHITE. Imagine how stylish you would look in black and white superhero outfit. :D

7) Are you a good cook/baker?
Yes and no haha. It depends on what I am making.

8) What is one of your favourite childhood memories? (sorry if too personal)
I honestly can't remember. I guess holidays with my family.

9) Snog, Marry, Kill: Any famous person of your choice.
I don't know. Let's say I would marry Luke Hemmings, snog Jamie Blackley and kill...I don't knooow hahaha... (comment who would you snog, marry, kill)

10) Would you ever go on Big Brother?
Probably not. But I would like to atend some reality show.

11) What's your favourite joke?
Honestly, I am terrible at telling jokes and I don't know many haha. But here's one I know: Look dead birds is flying (funny, I know right? ha ha ha..nobody's laughing...)

Thank you Maddison for nominating me. 

I nominate:

My questions:
1.) How many pictures do you have on your phone?
2.) Did you have an imaginary friend when you were little?
3.) What is your favourite make up product?
4.) Your all time fashion favourite?
5.) What are some of your major goals in life?
6.) Can you solve a rubix cube?
7.) How big is your TV?
8.) How often do you buy new clothes?
9.) What's your favourite saying?
10.) What brand are your trainers?
11.) How did you come up with the name of your blog?

I hope you liked this post. I know I liked answering to these questions:



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