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Tuesday, August 26, 2014

DIY: Tumblr inspired notebook cover/stickers


Here is my new post as promised. I'm really trying to keep posting every week and I think it's going well.
I won't be talking that much about other things todays so let's just start with the theme of this post.

I was scrolling trough tumblr (you can follow me here if you want) when I saw picture of notebook. It was a DIY. The cover of notebook was full of different pictures. I was really inspired by that and I wanted to try it by myself. And I did try. I think this idea is perfect for back to school.

For more information on how to do this DIY watch my video on youtube here. I show everything how I did it.


  • NOTEBOOK  (Except I used akta dividers instead notebook cover. I use akta for school and not notebook anymore. But be free to use whatever you want.)
  • PICTURES (You can use your own pictures or tumblr/instagram/magazines pictures)
  • Some GLUE (so it won't fall of your cover haha)& SCISSORS
  • Some markers & coloured paper 

And that's it. As you can see you don't need that much. So this makes this DIY easy and cheap.

I used this Pukka Pad notebook and my akta dividers.

First I'm going to decorate the cover of Pukka Pad notebook. What I did was I cut different magazine pictures into the triangles.
Then I placed them on the cover just to see how it's going to look. After I was happy with it I took the glue and stuck the pictures on.
At the end I found this CHANEL sign and put it in the middle.

And that's it. You can see how it looks at the end on this picture. I just love love love how it turned out.
I'm going to decorate all my notebooks this way from now on.

What I did next was DIY stickers.
I needed some stickers for each subject in school to stick them on my akta dividers. I made one sticker for each divider, which means for each subject. I just kind of played with it. The First one I made was inspired by the amazing The fault in our stars book (I love this book). I just drew and cut one white and one black cloud. But instead of okay word I wrote a name of the school subject (in my case chemistry).

For next sticker I just used coloured paper and drew some flowers on it. And that was it.

And for my third one I just played with it. I used different markers and drew some random things on it. I just left little white space for the subject. 

And that's it. Please tweet me your pictures of notebook covers if you're gonna try it. Just use #GlamCoutureDIY and my username. You can find my twitter link at the side of blog.

I hope you like this post. Subscribe and follow :)

Have fun :)

